Discover our hand-reviewed collection of 3D assets from our community of 3D artists.

Unique 3D models for every budget and every project.
Unique 3D models for every budget and every project.
Featured models
Every week, our staff personally hand-pick some of the best new models from our collection.
Top-quality 3D models for your next project
Top-quality 3D models for your next project
All new entries from our community are reviewed by our team to make sure they meet high-quality design and technical standards. From 3D shaders and materials to objects, you’ll always find something that catches your eye.
Grab May's free items
There are always new freebies ready for you to enjoy on Envato Market. 3D assets here on 3DOcean, graphic templates, 3D models, 3D printing files and more. Get them while you can!